Friday 23 January 2015


Ekiti State governor is ignorant of history
A group has gone on to bombard Ekiti State governor, Ayodele Fayose who penultimate week, accused General Mohammadu Buhari, presidential candidate of the APC in the fast approaching elections on February 14.  The group narrated that Fayose is an illiterate who knows nothing about history. In the write up below, the group shed more lights on what Fayose did not know about the ages of world leaders. Enjoy it:

Fayose at it again, he says Buhari is too old at 72 (see his new advert in the comment)! Someone should let Fayose know that President Ellen Sirleaf of Liberia is 76 and will remain in that office until 2017 when her 2nd term ends. Someone should let Osokomole know that Nelson Mandela became the President of South Africa when he was 76, yes 76 & he stepped down for Mbeki when he was 80 years old. Someone should tell Fayose that Mohamed Beji Caid Essebsi, President of Tunisia is 88 years old & he just defeated the 69-year-old incumbent last December. Someone should tell Fayose that Shimon Peres שמעון פרס was the President of Israel till last year at the age of 90 as the world's oldest head of state, Peres is 91 now and he just left office last year, July 2014 to be precise. Wait for this: Reuven Rivlin is the current president of Israel & he is 75. Pietro Grasso, 70, became the president of Italy just last week when Giorgio Napolitano resigned. Napolitano is almost 90 as I dey talk to you and microwaving my food right now.
Someone should sing it into Fayose's ears that while he wastes millions putting up senseless adverts, Winston Churchill became the prime minister of Britain at 77, what is he going to be doing when he turns 77? Someone should lecture him that Heinz Fischer, the President of Austria, one of the most developed nations on earth is 76. José Alberto "Pepe" Mujica Cordano, the president of Uruguay known as the poorest in the world & for giving out 90% of his salary to the poor is 79 years old. In Cuba, Raúl_Castro, the President of the Council of State and President of the Council of Ministers & the brother of Fidel Castro is 83 years old and he has been leading Cuba since 2006. Nursultan Äbishuly Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan is 74. Choummaly Sayasone of Laos is 78. They are presidents. Andris Bērziņš of Latvia is 70.
Fayose must be lectured that the Miloš Zeman - prezident České republiky, president of Czech Republic is 70 years old. Epeli Nailatikau is the president of Fiji & he is 73. Charles Angelo Savarin, the president of Dominica is 72 & he took office in 2013. Joachim Gauck is the president of Germany & he is 74, he took office in 2012. Karolos Papoulias is the president of Greece & is 85 years old! Does Fayose think Nigerians are really that ignorant to believe that age is of any consequence? Obafemi Awolowo was how old when he was running for presidency in 1983? Pa Awo was 74! So I guess if Awolowo was running today, Fayose would also open his mouth gbagadagbagada & say Papa Awo, you are too old. When Awo was running for the highest office in the land, Fayose was 23 years old. He obviously needs more tutoring. Alpha Condé is the president of Guinea & he is 76 & took office in 2010. Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson is the president of Iceland, one of the very best nations on earth & he is a grand old man at 71. Pranab Kumar Mukherjee, the current president of India, a nation of over one billion people is not an athletic youth releasing gym videos for political campaigns, President Mukherjee is 79. Muhammad Fuad Masum is the president of Iraq and he is aged 77, we all saw what 'youthful' Saddam Hussein did in that same Iraq. Michael Daniel Higgins is Ireland's president, he is 73.
I am conveniently leaving out some dictators and rulers like Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo of Equatorial Guinea, Bouteflika of Algeria or Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe or royals who are as old as Methuselah just to focus on world leaders who are specifically 70 & above. I can go on & on listing even more but my point should have been made by now.
It is really annoying that Nigerian politicians will resort to shameless campaigns of personal attacks over issues that have no positive impact on the lives of Nigerians. They find it difficult to argue based on facts & many of their followers are infected with the same cluelessness. When Fashola said Agbaje was too old, I thought that was the height of pettiness. What has age got to do with competence in governance? Adolf Hitler became the Führer of Germany in 1934 when he was just 45 years old but that dude almost destroyed all of Europe, so how does age translate to wise leadership & good governance? With all the age of Martin Elechi, how is Ebonyi State better? With all the youth of Megida, how is Kwara any better? Nigerian politicians should face real issues at hand & stop displaying their empty cavities they call skulls. By the way, it is only a Nigerian with an equally empty skull who will fall for this utterly ridiculous advert by Fayose.
People like Fayose should be smart & smarter. Or is he not from the state that boasts of having the highest number of professors in Africa? So this is the brightest Ekiti could come up with? So where is the fountain of knowledge? Or it is now all about the stomachs & not brains? And if Fayose still has any issues with old age, then I advise him to GROW UP.

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